2019 Select Team Registration March 5, 2017 by JavaScript isn't enabled in your browser, so this file can't be opened. Enable and reload.NVTYLL Team RegistrationRegister a boys team or a girls team with the form below for the 2019 season. Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more* Indicates required questionYour Name *Your answerYour Email *Your answerYour Phone Number *Your answerTeam NameYour answerTeam GenderBoys TeamGirls TeamClear selectionTeam DivisionChoose3/4 Division One3/4 Division Two3/4 Division Three5/6 Division One5/6 Division Two5/6 Division Three7/8 Division One7/8 Division Two7/8 Division ThreeHead Coach Name *Your answerHead Coach Email Address *Your answerHead Coach USL Membership *Your answerHead Coach Phone Number *Your answerAre you a robot?Enter the text above *Your answerSubmitClear formNever submit passwords through Google Forms.This form was created inside of Northern Vermont Youth Lacrosse League. Does this form look suspicious? Report Forms