The NVTYLL follows NFHS rules for boy’s lacrosse with certain exceptions as guided by USA Lacrosse for youth play. The NVTYLL Board of Directors has approved the following rules for 2025.
Rules Sheets
In order to grow the game of lacrosse in Vermont, players are required to register and play for the program that represents the town in which they reside or the school which they attend. If that program cannot field a team at their age group, the league will work program to program to place all players from the affected town or program with another local program or programs. Players are not allowed to individually register for another program without approval from both impacted programs and the league. There may be cases for exceptions from this policy, but they must be cleared with support from both impacted programs in coordination with the league.
In addition, the NVTYLL Board has endorsed the following NFHS guidelines intended to address the issues of proper conduct both on and off the field at NVTYLL events. These guidelines are designed to support the kind of environment for our youth athletes that will keep them playing lacrosse and provide them with such a positive experience that they will remain in the game and later give back to the sport as coaches, officials, and parents who encourage their own children to play. The NVTYLL Board of Directors recognizes that it may be difficult to put in place in all NVTYLL policies, but the NVTYLL Board considers these best practices when possible.
1) Spectators and Teams on Opposite Sides of Field
Spectators and fans will be placed on the opposite side of the field from the table and bench areas. If the field is laid out in a manner that does not allow spectators and fans to be located on the far side of the field, the referee can waive this requirement. When stands or seating facilities are not provided on the opposite side of the field, spectators, fans, and parents will observe the 6-yard spectator limit line on the far side of the field.
2) Sideline Managers
Each youth lacrosse team will be asked to provide a designated Sideline Manager (one adult per team, on site, per game-day contest) to help encourage, maintain and manage the sportsmanlike behavior of spectators and fans. These adults would be responsible for insuring that the spectators and fans support the athletes, coaches and officials in a positive manner and refrain from behavior not in conformity with the US Lacrosse Code of Conduct. Sideline managers will introduce themselves to the officials prior to the coin toss. Sideline Managers will notify an unruly fan or spectator that unsportsmanlike behavior may lead to ejection and/or a game cancellation by the officials.
3) Auxiliary Officials
Each youth lacrosse team will be asked provide one adult who will be trained as an Auxiliary Youth Official. In the event that one or both of the scheduled officials does not appear to perform officiating duties, the Auxiliary Official(s) would be asked to referee the game. The Auxiliary Official could be an active parent attending his or her child’s game or another adult affiliated with the organization or town hosting the event. The Auxiliary Official will have completed US Lacrosse Level 1 Officials Training for boys’/men’s lacrosse and have active membership status in US Lacrosse as an official, but will not be assigned a schedule of league games.
4) Game Termination
Officials will have authority to terminate a NVTYLL game in response to flagrant acts of unsportsmanlike behavior by coaches, athletes, spectators, or fans. A game termination will be the last resort in insuring the players’ safety and preserving the integrity of the game. If possible, game officials will issue at least one strong warning that the game is in danger of being terminated. However, it is conceivable that games may be terminated on the first instance of a flagrant unsportsmanlike act. Every effort should be taken to avoid game termination, including the enforcement of existing rules for team-conduct penalties, unsportsmanlike-conduct penalties, and ejection fouls. Mechanics for terminating a game for flagrant unsportsmanlike behavior can be found at the USA Lacrosse Website. All games terminated by a US Lacrosse Official, will result in a 1-0 victory for the team that is innocent of the terminal offense(s). If terminated under these conditions, the game will count in league statistics as a full game, and all goals, assists, saves, and other team statistics should count toward team and league records.
5) Lightning Policy
At the first sign of thunder or lightning, play will be suspended. There should be 30 minutes between the last sign of thunder/lightning before play is resumed. Suspension of the game will be at the host organization’s discretion with a maximum of three 30-minute breaks.
6) Mercy Rule
In any game and at any point during a game when there is a six-goal lead, the team that is behind will be given the ball at the midfield line in lieu of a face-off as long as the six-point lead is maintained, unless waived by the coach of the trailing team. The Mercy Rule will be suspended during playoffs.
7) Tobacco
NVTYLL is always tobacco free! There is absolutely no use of tobacco products (chew, vape, smoke) during NVTYLL events (games or practices). All parents and coaches are to abide by the tobacco free policy at all times. Those who choose to use tobacco during NVTYLL events will be asked to leave the field of play.
Equipment Checks
It is the responsibility of each and every coach to ensure that all players are properly equipped with helmet, shoulder pads, arm pads, gloves, cup and mouth guards for every league-sanctioned game. Additionally, coaches must require all goalies to be outfitted with arm pads, proper chest and throat protection gear.
For the 7th/8th and 5th/6th level:
• Official will make 1 stick check per team per half (player and time randomly selected by the official), ideally during a stoppage in play so as to not slow game. Coaches can request that the official check one (1) specific, opposing player’s stick per game.
• Official to check pocket depth and release of ball top and bottom only.
• No stick dimension measurements unless flagrant violation suspected in official’s judgment.
• Penalty for an illegal crosse is 1 minute non-releasable and the crosse removed from game until appropriate repairs are made to the crosse. Player is allowed to repair the crosse and reintroduce it into play at a normal stoppage of play with check by official.
Stalling shall be enforced in the last two minutes of the game (7th/8th, 5th/6th , 3rd/4th). The official will issue a “get it in, keep it in” warning. The team with the ball will have 10 seconds to get the ball in the box or turn it over.
Time-serving penalties are enforced and man up situations are permitted for 7th/8th and 5th/6th. A 3rd/4th penalty will result in a turnover and the player must be substituted for at least one play.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct
Personal fouls are to be taken seriously. In addition to the NFHS rules, any player or coach who uses derogatory or profane language (starting with “damn”) on the field or bench, whether addressing a player, coach or referee may receive: first offense, 1- to 3-minute non-releasable unsportsmanlike conduct penalty; second offense a 3-minute non-releasable expulsion foul. Spectator actions can ALSO result in team penalties. If spectators do not follow the code of conduct the team they are associated with can be penalized!